Brush C++ API
A flexible interpretable machine learning framework
No Matches
Brush Namespace Reference

< nsga2 selection operator for getting the front More...


namespace  Data
 namespace containing Data structures used in Brush
namespace  detail
namespace  Eval
namespace  Pop
namespace  Sel
namespace  Split
namespace  util
namespace  Util
 namespace containing various utility functions
namespace  Var


struct  all_same
 checks whether all the types match. More...
struct  DataEnumType
struct  DataEnumType< DT::ArrayB >
struct  DataEnumType< DT::ArrayBJet >
struct  DataEnumType< DT::ArrayF >
struct  DataEnumType< DT::ArrayFJet >
struct  DataEnumType< DT::ArrayI >
struct  DataEnumType< DT::ArrayIJet >
struct  DataEnumType< DT::MatrixB >
struct  DataEnumType< DT::MatrixBJet >
struct  DataEnumType< DT::MatrixF >
struct  DataEnumType< DT::MatrixFJet >
struct  DataEnumType< DT::MatrixI >
struct  DataEnumType< DT::MatrixIJet >
struct  DataEnumType< DT::TimeSeriesB >
struct  DataEnumType< DT::TimeSeriesF >
struct  DataEnumType< DT::TimeSeriesI >
struct  DataTypeEnum
struct  DataTypeEnum< ArrayXb >
struct  DataTypeEnum< ArrayXbJet >
struct  DataTypeEnum< ArrayXf >
struct  DataTypeEnum< ArrayXfJet >
struct  DataTypeEnum< ArrayXi >
struct  DataTypeEnum< ArrayXiJet >
struct  DataTypeEnum< ArrayXXb >
struct  DataTypeEnum< ArrayXXbJet >
struct  DataTypeEnum< ArrayXXf >
struct  DataTypeEnum< ArrayXXfJet >
struct  DataTypeEnum< ArrayXXi >
struct  DataTypeEnum< ArrayXXiJet >
struct  DataTypeEnum< Data::TimeSeriesb >
struct  DataTypeEnum< Data::TimeSeriesbJet >
struct  DataTypeEnum< Data::TimeSeriesf >
struct  DataTypeEnum< Data::TimeSeriesfJet >
struct  DataTypeEnum< Data::TimeSeriesi >
struct  DataTypeEnum< Data::TimeSeriesiJet >
struct  DispatchTable
class  Engine
 The Engine class represents the core engine of the brush library. More...
struct  Fitness
 Represents the fitness of an individual in the Brush namespace. More...
struct  Function
struct  Function< NodeType::Abs >
struct  Function< NodeType::Acos >
struct  Function< NodeType::Add >
struct  Function< NodeType::After >
struct  Function< NodeType::And >
struct  Function< NodeType::ArgMax >
struct  Function< NodeType::Asin >
struct  Function< NodeType::Atan >
struct  Function< NodeType::Before >
struct  Function< NodeType::Ceil >
struct  Function< NodeType::Cos >
struct  Function< NodeType::Cosh >
struct  Function< NodeType::Count >
struct  Function< NodeType::Div >
struct  Function< NodeType::During >
struct  Function< NodeType::Exp >
struct  Function< NodeType::Floor >
struct  Function< NodeType::Log >
struct  Function< NodeType::Log1p >
struct  Function< NodeType::Logabs >
struct  Function< NodeType::Logistic >
struct  Function< NodeType::Max >
struct  Function< NodeType::Mean >
struct  Function< NodeType::Median >
struct  Function< NodeType::Min >
struct  Function< NodeType::Mul >
struct  Function< NodeType::Not >
struct  Function< NodeType::OffsetSum >
struct  Function< NodeType::Or >
struct  Function< NodeType::Pow >
struct  Function< NodeType::Prod >
struct  Function< NodeType::Sin >
struct  Function< NodeType::Sinh >
struct  Function< NodeType::Softmax >
struct  Function< NodeType::SplitOn >
struct  Function< NodeType::Sqrt >
struct  Function< NodeType::Sqrtabs >
struct  Function< NodeType::Square >
struct  Function< NodeType::Sub >
struct  Function< NodeType::Sum >
struct  Function< NodeType::Tan >
struct  Function< NodeType::Tanh >
struct  is_eigen_array
struct  is_one_of
 checks whether any of the types match the first one. More...
struct  is_std_array
struct  is_std_array< std::array< V, n > >
struct  is_tuple
struct  is_tuple< std::tuple< T... > >
struct  Jetify
struct  Jetify< ArrayXb >
struct  Jetify< ArrayXf >
struct  Jetify< ArrayXi >
struct  Jetify< ArrayXXb >
struct  Jetify< ArrayXXf >
struct  Jetify< ArrayXXi >
struct  Jetify< Data::TimeSeriesb >
struct  Jetify< Data::TimeSeriesf >
struct  Jetify< Data::TimeSeriesi >
struct  NarySignature
struct  NarySignatures
 Makes a tuple of signatures with increasing arity up to MaxArgCount. More...
struct  Node
 class holding the data for a node in a tree. More...
struct  NodeTypes
struct  Operator
 Core computation of a node's function to data. More...
struct  Operator< NodeType::Constant, S, Fit >
struct  Operator< NodeType::MeanLabel, S, Fit >
struct  Operator< NodeType::Terminal, S, Fit >
 Terminal Overload. More...
struct  OptimizerSummary
struct  Parameters
struct  Program
 An individual program, a.k.a. model. More...
struct  ResidualEvaluator
struct  SearchSpace
 Holds a search space, consisting of operations and terminals and functions, and methods to sample that space to create programs. More...
struct  SigBase
struct  SigBase< R >
 specialization for terminals More...
struct  Signature
struct  Signature< R(Args...)>
struct  Signatures
struct  Signatures< N, enable_if_t< is_in_v< N, NodeType::Abs, NodeType::Acos, NodeType::Asin, NodeType::Atan, NodeType::Cos, NodeType::Cosh, NodeType::Sin, NodeType::Sinh, NodeType::Tan, NodeType::Tanh, NodeType::Ceil, NodeType::Floor, NodeType::Exp, NodeType::Log, NodeType::Logabs, NodeType::Log1p, NodeType::Sqrt, NodeType::Sqrtabs, NodeType::Square, NodeType::Logistic, NodeType::OffsetSum > > >
struct  Signatures< N, enable_if_t< is_in_v< N, NodeType::Add, NodeType::Sub, NodeType::Mul, NodeType::Div, NodeType::Pow > > >
struct  Signatures< N, enable_if_t< is_in_v< N, NodeType::And, NodeType::Or > > >
struct  Signatures< N, enable_if_t< is_in_v< N, NodeType::ArgMax > > >
struct  Signatures< N, enable_if_t< is_in_v< N, NodeType::Before, NodeType::After, NodeType::During > > >
struct  Signatures< N, enable_if_t< is_in_v< N, NodeType::Constant, NodeType::Terminal > > >
struct  Signatures< N, enable_if_t< is_in_v< N, NodeType::SplitBest, NodeType::CustomSplit > > >
struct  Signatures< N, enable_if_t< is_in_v< N, NodeType::Sum, NodeType::Prod, NodeType::Min, NodeType::Max, NodeType::Mean, NodeType::Median > > >
struct  Signatures< NodeType::Count >
struct  Signatures< NodeType::MeanLabel >
struct  Signatures< NodeType::Not >
struct  Signatures< NodeType::Softmax >
struct  Signatures< NodeType::SplitOn >
struct  TinyCostFunction
struct  uint32_vector_hasher
struct  UnJetify
struct  UnJetify< ArrayXbJet >
struct  UnJetify< ArrayXfJet >
struct  UnJetify< ArrayXiJet >
struct  UnJetify< ArrayXXbJet >
struct  UnJetify< ArrayXXfJet >
struct  UnJetify< ArrayXXiJet >
struct  UnJetify< Data::TimeSeriesbJet >
struct  UnJetify< Data::TimeSeriesfJet >
struct  UnJetify< Data::TimeSeriesiJet >
struct  WeightOptimizer
struct  WeightType
 Returns the weight type associated with the scalar type underlying T. More...


concept  IsAnyOf


using NT = NodeType
using UnderlyingNodeType = std::underlying_type_t<NodeType>
using Scalar = float
typedef tree< Node >::pre_order_iterator Iter
typedef tree< Node >::post_order_iterator PostIter
using PT = ProgramType
template<typename T >
using Jetify_t = typename Jetify<T>::type
template<typename T >
using UnJetify_t = typename UnJetify<T>::type
template<typename R , typename Arg , size_t ArgCount>
using NarySignature_t = typename NarySignature<R,Arg,ArgCount>::type
template<typename R , typename Arg , size_t MaxArgCount>
using NarySignatures_t = typename NarySignatures<R,Arg,MaxArgCount>::type
typedef Eigen::Array< bool, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > ArrayXb
typedef Eigen::Array< int, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > ArrayXi
typedef Eigen::Array< bool, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > ArrayXXb
typedef Eigen::Array< int, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > ArrayXXi
typedef ceres::Jet< float, stridefJet
typedef ceres::Jet< int, strideiJet
typedef ceres::Jet< bool, stridebJet
typedef Eigen::Array< fJet, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > ArrayXfJet
typedef Eigen::Array< iJet, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > ArrayXiJet
typedef Eigen::Array< bJet, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > ArrayXbJet
typedef Eigen::Array< fJet, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > ArrayXXfJet
typedef Eigen::Array< iJet, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > ArrayXXiJet
typedef Eigen::Array< bJet, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > ArrayXXbJet
template<typename T >
using WeightType_t = typename WeightType<T>::type
typedef Program< PT::RegressorRegressorProgram
typedef Program< PT::BinaryClassifierClassifierProgram
typedef Program< PT::MulticlassClassifierMulticlassClassifierProgram
typedef Program< PT::RepresenterRepresenterProgram
typedef Pop::Individual< PT::RegressorRegressorIndividual
typedef Pop::Individual< PT::BinaryClassifierClassifierIndividual
typedef Pop::Individual< PT::MulticlassClassifierMulticlassClassifierIndividual
typedef Pop::Individual< PT::RepresenterRepresenterIndividual
typedef Engine< PT::RegressorRegressorEngine
typedef Engine< PT::BinaryClassifierClassifierEngine
typedef Engine< PT::MulticlassClassifierMulticlassClassifierEngine
typedef Engine< PT::RepresenterRepresenterEngine
using DT = DataType
using TreeIter = tree<Node>::pre_order_iterator


enum class  NodeType : uint64_t {
  Abs = 1UL << 0UL , Acos = 1UL << 1UL , Asin = 1UL << 2UL , Atan = 1UL << 3UL ,
  Cos = 1UL << 4UL , Cosh = 1UL << 5UL , Sin = 1UL << 6UL , Sinh = 1UL << 7UL ,
  Tan = 1UL << 8UL , Tanh = 1UL << 9UL , Ceil = 1UL << 10UL , Floor = 1UL << 11UL ,
  Exp = 1UL << 12UL , Log = 1UL << 13UL , Logabs = 1UL << 14UL , Log1p = 1UL << 15UL ,
  Sqrt = 1UL << 16UL , Sqrtabs = 1UL << 17UL , Square = 1UL << 18UL , Logistic = 1UL << 19UL ,
  Before = 1UL << 20UL , After = 1UL << 21UL , During = 1UL << 22UL , Min = 1UL << 23UL ,
  Max = 1UL << 24UL , Mean = 1UL << 25UL , Median = 1UL << 26UL , Prod = 1UL << 27UL ,
  Sum = 1UL << 28UL , OffsetSum = 1UL << 29UL , Softmax = 1UL << 30UL , Add = 1UL << 31UL ,
  Sub = 1UL << 32UL , Mul = 1UL << 33UL , Div = 1UL << 34UL , Pow = 1UL << 35UL ,
  SplitBest = 1UL << 36UL , SplitOn = 1UL << 37UL , And = 1UL << 38UL , Or = 1UL << 39UL ,
  Not = 1UL << 40UL , MeanLabel = 1UL << 41UL , Constant = 1UL << 42UL , Terminal = 1UL << 43UL ,
  ArgMax = 1UL << 44UL , Count = 1UL << 45UL , CustomUnaryOp = 1UL << 46UL , CustomBinaryOp = 1UL << 47UL ,
  CustomSplit = 1UL << 48UL
enum class  ProgramType : uint32_t { Regressor , BinaryClassifier , MulticlassClassifier , Representer }
enum class  DataType : uint32_t {
  ArrayB , ArrayI , ArrayF , MatrixB ,
  MatrixI , MatrixF , TimeSeriesB , TimeSeriesI ,
  TimeSeriesF , ArrayBJet , ArrayIJet , ArrayFJet ,
  MatrixBJet , MatrixIJet , MatrixFJet , TimeSeriesBJet ,
  TimeSeriesIJet , TimeSeriesFJet
 data types. More...


ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, DataType n)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &output, const Brush::Data::TimeSeries< bool > &ts)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &output, const Brush::Data::TimeSeries< float > &ts)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &output, const Brush::Data::TimeSeries< int > &ts)
 NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_NON_INTRUSIVE (Engine< PT::Regressor >, params, best_ind, archive)
 NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_NON_INTRUSIVE (Engine< PT::BinaryClassifier >, params, best_ind, archive)
 NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_NON_INTRUSIVE (Engine< PT::MulticlassClassifier >, params, best_ind, archive)
 NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_NON_INTRUSIVE (Engine< PT::Representer >, params, best_ind, archive)
void to_json (json &j, const Fitness &f)
void from_json (const json &j, Fitness &f)
 NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_NON_INTRUSIVE (Parameters, verbosity, random_state, pop_size, max_gens, max_stall, max_time, scorer_, load_population, save_population, logfile, current_gen, num_islands, max_depth, n_jobs, max_size, objectives, sel, surv, cx_prob, mig_prob, classification, n_classes, validation_size, feature_names, batch_size, mutation_probs, functions)
template<typename R , NodeType NT, typename S , bool Fit, typename W >
R DispatchOp (const Data::Dataset &d, TreeNode &tn, const W **weights)
template<typename R , NodeType NT, typename S , bool Fit>
R DispatchOp (const Data::Dataset &d, TreeNode &tn)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const NodeType &nt)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const Node &n)
void to_json (json &j, const Node &p)
void init_node_with_default_signature (Node &node)
void from_json (const json &j, Node &p)
template<DataType... T>
auto Isnt (DataType dt) -> bool
template<DataType DT>
auto IsWeighable () noexcept -> bool
auto IsWeighable (DataType dt) noexcept -> bool
template<NodeType... T>
auto Is (NodeType nt) -> bool
template<NodeType... T>
auto Isnt (NodeType nt) -> bool
auto IsLeaf (NodeType nt) noexcept -> bool
auto IsCommutative (NodeType nt) noexcept -> bool
auto IsDifferentiable (NodeType nt) noexcept -> bool
auto IsWeighable (NodeType nt) noexcept -> bool
constexpr auto operator& (NodeType lhs, NodeType rhs) -> NodeType
constexpr auto operator| (NodeType lhs, NodeType rhs) -> NodeType
constexpr auto operator^ (NodeType lhs, NodeType rhs) -> NodeType
constexpr auto operator~ (NodeType lhs) -> NodeType
auto operator&= (NodeType &lhs, NodeType rhs) -> NodeType &
auto operator|= (NodeType &lhs, NodeType rhs) -> NodeType &
auto operator^= (NodeType &lhs, NodeType rhs) -> NodeType &
template<ProgramType PType>
void to_json (json &j, const Program< PType > &p)
template<ProgramType PType>
void from_json (const json &j, Program< PType > &p)
float calc_initial_weight (const ArrayXf &value, const ArrayXf &y)
vector< Nodegenerate_terminals (const Dataset &d, const bool weights_init)
 generate terminals from the dataset features and random constants.
template<typename T >
RandomDequeue (std::vector< T > &Q)
 queue for make program


map< DataType, string > DataTypeName
map< string, DataTypeDataNameType = Util::reverse_map(DataTypeName)
const map< DataType, std::type_index > DataTypeID
map< std::type_index, DataTypeDataIDType = Util::reverse_map(DataTypeID)
template<class >
constexpr bool always_false_v = false
DispatchTable< truedtable_fit
DispatchTable< falsedtable_predict
template<typename T >
constexpr auto Stack
 Stacks Eigen arrays into a 2d-array, where each array is a column.
std::map< std::string, NodeTypeNodeNameType
std::map< NodeType, std::string > NodeTypeName = Util::reverse_map(NodeNameType)
static constexpr size_t MAX_ARGS = 5
template<typename First , typename ... Next>
static constexpr bool all_same_v = all_same<First, Next...>::value
template<typename First , typename ... Next>
static constexpr bool is_one_of_v = is_one_of<First, Next...>::value
static constexpr int stride = 8
template<typename T >
static constexpr bool is_std_array_v = is_std_array<T>::value
template<typename T >
static constexpr bool is_eigen_array_v = is_eigen_array<T>::value
template<typename T >
static constexpr bool is_tuple_v = is_tuple<T>::value
std::unordered_map< std::size_t, std::string > ArgsName
SearchSpace SS

Detailed Description

< nsga2 selection operator for getting the front

Namespace for variation functions like crossover and mutation.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ArrayXb

typedef Eigen::Array<bool,Eigen::Dynamic,1> Brush::ArrayXb

Definition at line 39 of file types.h.

◆ ArrayXbJet

typedef Eigen::Array<bJet,Eigen::Dynamic,1> Brush::ArrayXbJet

Definition at line 51 of file types.h.

◆ ArrayXfJet

typedef Eigen::Array<fJet,Eigen::Dynamic,1> Brush::ArrayXfJet

Definition at line 49 of file types.h.

◆ ArrayXi

typedef Eigen::Array<int,Eigen::Dynamic,1> Brush::ArrayXi

Definition at line 40 of file types.h.

◆ ArrayXiJet

typedef Eigen::Array<iJet,Eigen::Dynamic,1> Brush::ArrayXiJet

Definition at line 50 of file types.h.

◆ ArrayXXb

typedef Eigen::Array<bool,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic> Brush::ArrayXXb

Definition at line 41 of file types.h.

◆ ArrayXXbJet

typedef Eigen::Array<bJet,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic> Brush::ArrayXXbJet

Definition at line 54 of file types.h.

◆ ArrayXXfJet

typedef Eigen::Array<fJet,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic> Brush::ArrayXXfJet

Definition at line 52 of file types.h.

◆ ArrayXXi

typedef Eigen::Array<int,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic> Brush::ArrayXXi

Definition at line 42 of file types.h.

◆ ArrayXXiJet

typedef Eigen::Array<iJet,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic> Brush::ArrayXXiJet

Definition at line 53 of file types.h.

◆ bJet

Definition at line 47 of file types.h.

◆ ClassifierEngine

◆ ClassifierIndividual

◆ ClassifierProgram

◆ DT

Definition at line 188 of file types.h.

◆ fJet

Definition at line 45 of file types.h.

◆ iJet

typedef ceres::Jet<int, stride> Brush::iJet

Definition at line 46 of file types.h.

◆ Iter

◆ Jetify_t

template<typename T >
using Brush::Jetify_t = typename Jetify<T>::type

Definition at line 43 of file signatures.h.

◆ MulticlassClassifierEngine

◆ MulticlassClassifierIndividual

◆ MulticlassClassifierProgram

◆ NarySignature_t

template<typename R , typename Arg , size_t ArgCount>
using Brush::NarySignature_t = typename NarySignature<R,Arg,ArgCount>::type

Definition at line 157 of file signatures.h.

◆ NarySignatures_t

Definition at line 187 of file signatures.h.

◆ NT

Definition at line 129 of file node.cpp.

◆ PostIter

◆ PT

Definition at line 40 of file program.h.

◆ RegressorEngine

◆ RegressorIndividual

◆ RegressorProgram

◆ RepresenterEngine

◆ RepresenterIndividual

◆ RepresenterProgram

◆ Scalar

Definition at line 13 of file tiny_cost_function.h.

◆ TreeIter

◆ UnderlyingNodeType

using Brush::UnderlyingNodeType = std::underlying_type_t<NodeType>

Definition at line 112 of file nodetype.h.

◆ UnJetify_t

Definition at line 56 of file signatures.h.

◆ WeightType_t

Definition at line 67 of file types.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ DataType

data types.


Definition at line 143 of file types.h.

◆ NodeType


Definition at line 31 of file nodetype.h.

◆ ProgramType


Definition at line 70 of file types.h.

Function Documentation

◆ calc_initial_weight()

float Brush::calc_initial_weight ( const ArrayXf & value,
const ArrayXf & y )

Definition at line 7 of file search_space.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ DispatchOp() [1/2]

template<typename R , NodeType NT, typename S , bool Fit>
R Brush::DispatchOp ( const Data::Dataset & d,
TreeNode & tn )

Definition at line 370 of file operator.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ DispatchOp() [2/2]

template<typename R , NodeType NT, typename S , bool Fit, typename W >
R Brush::DispatchOp ( const Data::Dataset & d,
TreeNode & tn,
const W ** weights )

Definition at line 363 of file operator.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ from_json() [1/3]

void Brush::from_json ( const json & j,
Fitness & f )

Definition at line 24 of file fitness.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ from_json() [2/3]

void Brush::from_json ( const json & j,
Node & p )

Definition at line 219 of file node.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ from_json() [3/3]

template<ProgramType PType>
void Brush::from_json ( const json & j,
Program< PType > & p )

Definition at line 515 of file program.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ generate_terminals()

vector< Node > Brush::generate_terminals ( const Dataset & d,
const bool weights_init )

generate terminals from the dataset features and random constants.

da dataset
weights_initwhether the terminal prob_change should be estimated from correlations with the target value
a vector of nodes

Definition at line 51 of file search_space.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ init_node_with_default_signature()

void Brush::init_node_with_default_signature ( Node & node)

Definition at line 130 of file node.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Is()

template<NodeType... T>
auto Brush::Is ( NodeType nt) -> bool

Definition at line 260 of file node.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsCommutative()

auto Brush::IsCommutative ( NodeType nt) -> bool

Definition at line 269 of file node.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IsDifferentiable()

auto Brush::IsDifferentiable ( NodeType nt) -> bool

Definition at line 277 of file node.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IsLeaf()

auto Brush::IsLeaf ( NodeType nt) -> bool

Definition at line 265 of file node.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Isnt() [1/2]

template<DataType... T>
auto Brush::Isnt ( DataType dt) -> bool

Definition at line 43 of file node.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Isnt() [2/2]

template<NodeType... T>
auto Brush::Isnt ( NodeType nt) -> bool

Definition at line 263 of file node.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IsWeighable() [1/3]

template<DataType DT>
auto Brush::IsWeighable ( ) -> bool

Definition at line 46 of file node.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsWeighable() [2/3]

auto Brush::IsWeighable ( DataType dt) -> bool

Definition at line 54 of file node.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IsWeighable() [3/3]

auto Brush::IsWeighable ( NodeType nt) -> bool

Definition at line 306 of file node.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:


Brush::NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_NON_INTRUSIVE ( Engine< PT::BinaryClassifier > ,
params ,
best_ind ,
archive  )


Brush::NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_NON_INTRUSIVE ( Engine< PT::MulticlassClassifier > ,
params ,
best_ind ,
archive  )


params ,
best_ind ,
archive  )


Brush::NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_NON_INTRUSIVE ( Engine< PT::Representer > ,
params ,
best_ind ,
archive  )


verbosity ,
random_state ,
pop_size ,
max_gens ,
max_stall ,
max_time ,
scorer_ ,
load_population ,
save_population ,
logfile ,
current_gen ,
num_islands ,
max_depth ,
n_jobs ,
max_size ,
objectives ,
sel ,
surv ,
cx_prob ,
mig_prob ,
classification ,
n_classes ,
validation_size ,
feature_names ,
batch_size ,
mutation_probs ,
functions  )

◆ operator&()

constexpr auto Brush::operator& ( NodeType lhs,
NodeType rhs ) -> NodeType

Definition at line 130 of file nodetype.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator&=()

auto Brush::operator&= ( NodeType & lhs,
NodeType rhs ) -> NodeType&

Definition at line 134 of file nodetype.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [1/6]

ostream & Brush::operator<< ( ostream & os,
const Node & n )

Definition at line 12 of file node.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [2/6]

ostream & Brush::operator<< ( ostream & os,
const NodeType & nt )

Definition at line 5 of file node.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [3/6]

ostream & Brush::operator<< ( ostream & os,
DataType n )

◆ operator<<() [4/6]

std::ostream & Brush::operator<< ( std::ostream & output,
const Brush::Data::TimeSeries< bool > & ts )

Definition at line 4 of file timeseries.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [5/6]

std::ostream & Brush::operator<< ( std::ostream & output,
const Brush::Data::TimeSeries< float > & ts )

Definition at line 7 of file timeseries.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [6/6]

std::ostream & Brush::operator<< ( std::ostream & output,
const Brush::Data::TimeSeries< int > & ts )

Definition at line 10 of file timeseries.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator^()

constexpr auto Brush::operator^ ( NodeType lhs,
NodeType rhs ) -> NodeType

Definition at line 132 of file nodetype.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator^=()

auto Brush::operator^= ( NodeType & lhs,
NodeType rhs ) -> NodeType&

Definition at line 144 of file nodetype.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator|()

constexpr auto Brush::operator| ( NodeType lhs,
NodeType rhs ) -> NodeType

Definition at line 131 of file nodetype.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator|=()

auto Brush::operator|= ( NodeType & lhs,
NodeType rhs ) -> NodeType&

Definition at line 139 of file nodetype.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator~()

constexpr auto Brush::operator~ ( NodeType lhs) -> NodeType

Definition at line 133 of file nodetype.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ RandomDequeue()

template<typename T >
T Brush::RandomDequeue ( std::vector< T > & Q)

queue for make program

Definition at line 671 of file search_space.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ to_json() [1/3]

void Brush::to_json ( json & j,
const Fitness & f )

Definition at line 6 of file fitness.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ to_json() [2/3]

void Brush::to_json ( json & j,
const Node & p )

Definition at line 110 of file node.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ to_json() [3/3]

template<ProgramType PType>
void Brush::to_json ( json & j,
const Program< PType > & p )

Definition at line 509 of file program.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ all_same_v

template<typename First , typename ... Next>
constexpr bool Brush::all_same_v = all_same<First, Next...>::value

Definition at line 23 of file types.h.

◆ always_false_v

template<class >
constexpr bool Brush::always_false_v = false

Definition at line 67 of file init.h.

◆ ArgsName

std::unordered_map< std::size_t, std::string > Brush::ArgsName

Definition at line 160 of file search_space.cpp.

◆ DataIDType

map< std::type_index, DataType > Brush::DataIDType = Util::reverse_map(DataTypeID)

Definition at line 47 of file data.cpp.

◆ DataNameType

map< string, DataType > Brush::DataNameType = Util::reverse_map(DataTypeName)

Definition at line 34 of file data.cpp.

◆ DataTypeID

const map< DataType, std::type_index > Brush::DataTypeID
Initial value:
= {
{DataType::ArrayB, typeid(ArrayXb)},
{DataType::ArrayI, typeid(ArrayXi)},
{DataType::ArrayF, typeid(ArrayXf)},
{DataType::MatrixB, typeid(ArrayXXb)},
{DataType::MatrixI, typeid(ArrayXXi)},
{DataType::MatrixF, typeid(ArrayXXf)},
{DataType::TimeSeriesB, typeid(Data::TimeSeriesb)},
{DataType::TimeSeriesF, typeid(Data::TimeSeriesf)},
Eigen::Array< bool, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > ArrayXb
Definition functions.h:25
Eigen::Array< bool, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > ArrayXXb
Definition types.h:41
Eigen::Array< int, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > ArrayXi
Definition types.h:40

Definition at line 36 of file data.cpp.

◆ DataTypeName

map< DataType, string > Brush::DataTypeName
Initial value:
= {
{DataType::ArrayB, "ArrayB"},
{DataType::ArrayI, "ArrayI"},
{DataType::ArrayF, "ArrayF"},
{DataType::MatrixB, "MatrixB"},
{DataType::MatrixI, "MatrixI"},
{DataType::MatrixF, "MatrixF"},
{DataType::TimeSeriesB, "TimeSeriesB"},
{DataType::TimeSeriesF, "TimeSeriesF"},
{DataType::ArrayBJet, "ArrayBJet"},
{DataType::ArrayIJet, "ArrayIJet"},
{DataType::ArrayFJet, "ArrayFJet"},
{DataType::MatrixBJet, "MatrixBJet"},
{DataType::MatrixIJet, "MatrixIJet"},
{DataType::MatrixFJet, "MatrixFJet"},
{DataType::TimeSeriesBJet, "TimeSeriesBJet"},
{DataType::TimeSeriesFJet, "TimeSeriesFJet"}

Definition at line 14 of file data.cpp.

◆ dtable_fit

DispatchTable< true > Brush::dtable_fit

Definition at line 5 of file dispatch_table.cpp.

◆ dtable_predict

DispatchTable< false > Brush::dtable_predict

Definition at line 6 of file dispatch_table.cpp.

◆ is_eigen_array_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool Brush::is_eigen_array_v = is_eigen_array<T>::value

Definition at line 253 of file types.h.

◆ is_one_of_v

template<typename First , typename ... Next>
constexpr bool Brush::is_one_of_v = is_one_of<First, Next...>::value

Definition at line 33 of file types.h.

◆ is_std_array_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool Brush::is_std_array_v = is_std_array<T>::value

Definition at line 245 of file types.h.

◆ is_tuple_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool Brush::is_tuple_v = is_tuple<T>::value

Definition at line 259 of file types.h.


constexpr size_t Brush::MAX_ARGS = 5

Definition at line 30 of file signatures.h.

◆ NodeNameType

std::map< std::string, NodeType > Brush::NodeNameType

Definition at line 5 of file nodetype.cpp.

◆ NodeTypeName

std::map< NodeType, std::string > Brush::NodeTypeName = Util::reverse_map(NodeNameType)

Definition at line 81 of file nodetype.cpp.

◆ SS

SearchSpace Brush::SS

◆ Stack

template<typename T >
constexpr auto Brush::Stack
Initial value:
= [](auto m, auto... ms) {
return ((Array<T,-1,-1>(m.rows(),1+sizeof...(ms))<<m),...,ms).finished();
void bind_engine(py::module &m, string name)

Stacks Eigen arrays into a 2d-array, where each array is a column.

Template Parameters
T: underlying type in array

Definition at line 408 of file functions.h.

◆ stride

constexpr int Brush::stride = 8

Definition at line 44 of file types.h.