template<class T>
struct TimeSeries# Stores time series data and implements operators over it.
contains two members:time
, that have the same shape. Both are std::vectors of eigen arrays.Each element of the vector is intended to represent one person / sample. The values in that element (an Eigen array) are observations of
at timet
.- Template Parameters:
T – the scalar type of the underlying values.
Public Types
Public Functions
TimeSeries() = default#
Wraps time and value slices to matrices TODO: define begin() and end() iterators? figure out how to handle operators that just use values versus time
template<typename U, typename V>
inline TimeSeries operator()(const U &idx, const V &idx2 = Eigen::all) const# return a slice of the data using indices idx
inline auto size() const -> size_t#
inline auto rows() const -> size_t#
inline auto cols(int i = 0) const -> size_t#
inline auto cbegin() const#
inline auto cend() const#
inline auto ctbegin() const#
inline auto ctend() const#
template<typename C>
inline auto cast() const#
inline auto abs() const#
inline auto pow() const#
inline auto log() const#
inline auto logabs() const#
inline auto log1p() const#
inline auto ceil() const#
inline auto floor() const#
inline auto exp() const#
inline auto sin() const#
inline auto cos() const#
inline auto tan() const#
inline auto asin() const#
inline auto acos() const#
inline auto atan() const#
inline auto sinh() const#
inline auto cosh() const#
inline auto tanh() const#
inline auto sqrt() const#
inline auto sqrtabs() const#
inline auto square() const#
inline auto median() const#
inline auto mean() const#
inline auto std() const#
inline auto max() const#
inline auto min() const#
inline auto sum() const#
inline auto count() const#
inline auto prod() const#
template<typename T2>
inline auto before(const TimeSeries<T2> &t2) const#
template<typename T2>
inline auto after(const TimeSeries<T2> &t2) const#
template<typename T2>
inline auto during(const TimeSeries<T2> &t2) const#
Public Static Attributes
static const size_t NumDimensions = 2#