
struct Node#

class holding the data for a node in a tree.

Public Types

using HashTuple = std::tuple<UnderlyingNodeType, size_t, bool, string, bool, int>#

tuple type for hashing

Public Functions

Node() = default#
template<typename S>
inline explicit Node(NodeType type, S signature, bool weighted = false, string feature_name = "") noexcept#

Constructor used by search space.

Template Parameters:

S – signature

  • type – node type

  • feature_name – name of the terminal

  • signature – signature

template<typename S>
inline void set_signature()#
inline void init()#
string get_name(bool include_weight = true) const noexcept#

gets a string version of the node for printing.

get the name of the node.


include_weight – whether to include the node’s weight in the output.


string version of the node.



string get_model(const vector<string>&) const noexcept#
inline DataType get_ret_type() const#
inline std::size_t args_type() const#
inline auto get_arg_types() const#
inline size_t get_arg_count() const#
inline size_t get_node_hash() const#
inline auto operator==(const Node &rhs) const noexcept -> bool#
inline auto operator!=(const Node &rhs) const noexcept -> bool#
inline auto operator<(const Node &rhs) const noexcept -> bool#
inline auto operator<=(const Node &rhs) const noexcept -> bool#
inline auto operator>(const Node &rhs) const noexcept -> bool#
inline auto operator>=(const Node &rhs) const noexcept -> bool#
inline float get_prob_change() const#
inline void set_prob_change(float w)#
inline float get_prob_keep() const#
inline void set_feature(string f)#
inline string get_feature() const#
inline bool get_is_weighted() const#
inline void set_is_weighted(bool is_weighted)#

Public Members

string name#

full name of the node, with types

bool center_op#

whether to center the operator in pretty printing

float prob_change#

chance of node being selected for variation

bool fixed#

whether node is modifiable

NodeType node_type#

the node type

std::size_t sig_hash#

a hash of the signature

std::size_t sig_dual_hash#

a hash of the dual of the signature (for NLS)

DataType ret_type#

return data type

std::vector<DataType> arg_types#

argument data types

bool is_weighted#

whether this node is weighted

float W#

the weights of the node. also used for splitting thresholds.