
template<ProgramType T>
class Population#

Public Functions

inline ~Population()#
void init(SearchSpace &ss, const Parameters &params)#

initialize population of programs with a starting model and/or from file

void init(vector<Individual<T>> &individuals, const Parameters &params)#
void save(string filename)#
void load(string filename)#
inline int size()#

returns population size (the effective size of the individuals)

inline vector<size_t> get_island_indexes(int island)#
void add_offspring_indexes(int island)#

update individual vector size, distributing the expressions in num_islands

update individual vector size and island indexes

void update(vector<vector<size_t>> survivors)#

reduce programs to the indices in survivors. Not thread safe,as it removes elements

inline const Individual<T> &operator[](size_t i) const#

setting and getting from individuals vector (will ignore islands)

inline const Individual<T> &operator[](size_t i)#
string print_models(string sep = "\n")#

return population equations.

vector<vector<size_t>> sorted_front(unsigned rank = 1)#

return complexity-sorted Pareto front indices for each island

vector<size_t> hall_of_fame(unsigned rank = 1)#
void migrate()#

Public Members

size_t pop_size#
int num_islands#
float mig_prob#
vector<std::shared_ptr<Individual<T>>> individuals#
vector<vector<size_t>> island_indexes#
struct SameFitComplexity#

check for same fitness and complexity to filter uniqueness.

Public Functions

inline SameFitComplexity(Population<T> &p)#
inline bool operator()(size_t i, size_t j)#

Public Members

Population<T> &pop#
struct SortComplexity#

Sort each island in increasing complexity. This is not thread safe. I should set complexities of the whole population before calling it, and use get_complexity instead.

Public Functions

inline SortComplexity(Population &p)#
inline bool operator()(size_t i, size_t j)#

Public Members

Population &pop#