Reducing health disparities in clinical decision support with fair machine learning

We are developing machine learning algorithms that can adapt to changing hospital environments in real time and make predictions that are equally accuracy among patient subpopulations. We are studying these algorithms for patient admission risk predictions in emergency rooms.


  • PMCBoost: Proportional Multicalibration Boosting
  • Interfair: Intersectional Fairness using FOMO
  • Press

    🎉 La Cava and Lett’s fair ML tool, Interfair, won first place in the 2023 NIH Challenge, Bias Detection Tools for Clinical Decision Making.

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    Fair admission risk prediction with proportional multicalibration
    William G. La Cava, Elle Lett, Guangya Wan (2023)
    Proceedings of the Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning
    Translating intersectionality to fair machine learning in health sciences
    Elle Lett, William G. La Cava (2023)
    Nature Machine Intelligence