FOMO: Fairness-Oriented Multi-objective Optimization

Improving the fairness of machine learning models is a nuanced task that requires decision makers to reason about multiple, conflicting criteria. The majority of fair machine learning methods transform the error-fairness trade-off into a single objective problem with a parameter controlling the relative importance of error versus fairness. Our lab takes a different approach, developing flexible optimizers that characterize the error-fairness tradeoff surface by integrating multi-objective optimization into existing machine learning models.

How FOMO works. From La Cava GECCO 2023
How FOMO works. From La Cava GECCO 2023


  • FOMO: Fairness-Oriented Multi-objective Optimization
  • Interfair: Intersectional Fairness using FOMO
  • Selected Papers

    Optimizing fairness tradeoffs in machine learning with multiobjective meta-models
    William G. La Cava (2023)
    Proceedings of the 2023 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO)
    Genetic programming approaches to learning fair classifiers
    William La Cava, Jason H. Moore (2020)
    Proceedings of the 2020 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference