Installation ¶
To see our installation process from scratch, check out the Github actions workflow .
Dependencies ¶
Feat uses cmake to build. It also depends on the Eigen matrix library for C++ as well as the Shogun ML library. Both come in packages on conda that should work across platforms.
Install in a Conda Environment ¶
The easiest option for install is to use the conda environment we provide . Then the build process is the following:
git clone # clone the repo
cd feat # enter the directory
conda env create
conda activate feat
pip install .
If you want to roll your own with the dependencies, some other options are shown below. In this case, you need to tell the [configure]{.title-ref} script where Shogun and Eigen are. Edit this lines:
export SHOGUN_LIB=/your/shogun/lib/
export SHOGUN_DIR=/your/shugn/include/
export EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=/your/eigen/eigen3/
If you need Eigen and Shogun and don’t want to use conda, follow these instructions.
Eigen ¶
Eigen is a header only package. We need Eigen 3 or greater.
Debian/Ubuntu ¶
On Debian systems, you can grab the package:
sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev
You can also download the headers and put them somewhere. Then you just
have to tell cmake where they are with the environmental variable
. Example:
# Eigen 3.3.4
wget ""
tar xzf 3.3.4.tar.gz
mkdir eigen-3.3.4
mv eigen-eigen*/* eigen-3.3.4
# set an environmental variable to tell cmake where Eigen is
export EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR="$(pwd)/eigen-3.3.4/"
Shogun ¶
You don’t have to compile Shogun, just download the binaries. Their install guide is good. We’ve listed two of the options here.
Debian/Ubuntu ¶
You can also get the Shogun packages:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:shogun-toolbox/nightly -y
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -qq --force-yes --no-install-recommends libshogun18
sudo apt-get install -qq --force-yes --no-install-recommends libshogun-dev