Using Feat’s archive ¶
Feat optimizes a population of models. At the end of the run, it can be useful to explore this population to find a trade-off between objectives, such as performance and complexity.
In this example, we apply Feat to a regression problem and visualize the archive of representations.
Note: this code uses the Penn ML Benchmark Suite (
) to fetch data. You can install it using
First, we import the data and create a train-test split.
from pmlb import fetch_data
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error as mse
import numpy as np
# fix the random state
X, y = fetch_data(dataset,return_X_y=True)
X_t,X_v, y_t, y_v = train_test_split(X,y,train_size=0.75,test_size=0.25,random_state=random_state)
Then we set up a Feat instance and train the model, storing the final archive.
from feat import FeatRegressor
est = FeatRegressor(
pop_size=100, # population size
gens=100, # maximum generations
max_time=60, # max time in seconds
max_depth=2, # constrain features depth
max_dim=5, # constrain representation dimensionality
hillclimb=True, # use stochastic hillclimbing to optimize weights
iters=10, # iterations of hillclimbing
n_jobs=4, # restricts to single thread
print('FEAT version:', est.__version__)
FEAT version: 0.5.2.post75
FeatRegressor(backprop=False, batch_size=0, classification=False, corr_delete_mutate=False, cross_rate=0.5, erc=False, fb=0.5, feature_names='', functions=['+', '-', '*', '/', '^2', '^3', 'sqrt', 'sin', 'cos', 'exp', 'log', '^', 'logit', 'tanh', 'gauss', 'relu', 'split', 'split_c', 'b2f', 'c2f', 'and', 'or', 'not', 'xor', '=', '<', '<=', '>', '>=', 'if', ...], gens=100, hillclimb=True, iters=10, logfile='', lr=0.1, max_depth=2, max_dim=5, max_stall=0, max_time=60, ml='LinearRidgeRegression', n_jobs=4, normalize=True, objectives=['fitness', 'complexity'], otype='a', pop_size=100, protected_groups='', random_state=42, residual_xo=False, root_xo_rate=0.5, save_pop=0, scorer='', ...)In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
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FeatRegressor(backprop=False, batch_size=0, classification=False, corr_delete_mutate=False, cross_rate=0.5, erc=False, fb=0.5, feature_names='', functions=['+', '-', '*', '/', '^2', '^3', 'sqrt', 'sin', 'cos', 'exp', 'log', '^', 'logit', 'tanh', 'gauss', 'relu', 'split', 'split_c', 'b2f', 'c2f', 'and', 'or', 'not', 'xor', '=', '<', '<=', '>', '>=', 'if', ...], gens=100, hillclimb=True, iters=10, logfile='', lr=0.1, max_depth=2, max_dim=5, max_stall=0, max_time=60, ml='LinearRidgeRegression', n_jobs=4, normalize=True, objectives=['fitness', 'complexity'], otype='a', pop_size=100, protected_groups='', random_state=42, residual_xo=False, root_xo_rate=0.5, save_pop=0, scorer='', ...)
# train the model,y_t)
FeatRegressor(backprop=False, batch_size=0, classification=False, corr_delete_mutate=False, cross_rate=0.5, erc=False, fb=0.5, feature_names='', functions=['+', '-', '*', '/', '^2', '^3', 'sqrt', 'sin', 'cos', 'exp', 'log', '^', 'logit', 'tanh', 'gauss', 'relu', 'split', 'split_c', 'b2f', 'c2f', 'and', 'or', 'not', 'xor', '=', '<', '<=', '>', '>=', 'if', ...], gens=100, hillclimb=True, iters=10, logfile='', lr=0.1, max_depth=2, max_dim=5, max_stall=0, max_time=60, ml='LinearRidgeRegression', n_jobs=4, normalize=True, objectives=['fitness', 'complexity'], otype='a', pop_size=100, protected_groups='', random_state=42, residual_xo=False, root_xo_rate=0.5, save_pop=0, scorer='', ...)In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
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FeatRegressor(backprop=False, batch_size=0, classification=False, corr_delete_mutate=False, cross_rate=0.5, erc=False, fb=0.5, feature_names='', functions=['+', '-', '*', '/', '^2', '^3', 'sqrt', 'sin', 'cos', 'exp', 'log', '^', 'logit', 'tanh', 'gauss', 'relu', 'split', 'split_c', 'b2f', 'c2f', 'and', 'or', 'not', 'xor', '=', '<', '<=', '>', '>=', 'if', ...], gens=100, hillclimb=True, iters=10, logfile='', lr=0.1, max_depth=2, max_dim=5, max_stall=0, max_time=60, ml='LinearRidgeRegression', n_jobs=4, normalize=True, objectives=['fitness', 'complexity'], otype='a', pop_size=100, protected_groups='', random_state=42, residual_xo=False, root_xo_rate=0.5, save_pop=0, scorer='', ...)
# get the test score
test_score = {}
test_score['feat'] = mse(y_v,est.predict(X_v))
# store the archive
archive = est.cfeat_.get_archive(True)
# print the archive
print('complexity','fitness','validation fitness',
order = np.argsort([a['complexity'] for a in archive])
complexity = []
fit_train = []
fit_test = []
eqn = []
for o in order:
model = archive[o]
if model['rank'] == 1:
complexity fitness validation fitness eqn
1 1834.9365234375 1672.86279296875 [x_1]
2 978.2460327148438 810.285400390625 [x_1][x_3]
3 948.1231689453125 814.2865600585938 [x_3][x_0][x_1]
4 915.998291015625 787.1356811523438 [x_3][x_2][x_0][x_1]
6 915.9979858398438 787.1354370117188 [x_1][(0.5418*x_1-0.5815*x_0)][x_2][x_3]
7 542.2037963867188 533.512939453125 [x_3][tanh(0.8951*x_1)]
8 465.80938720703125 503.4342041015625 [x_1][tanh(0.8951*x_1)][x_3]
9 428.57049560546875 431.0047912597656 [x_2][tanh(0.8951*x_1)][x_1][x_3]
10 394.3541564941406 405.9887390136719 [x_3][tanh(0.8951*x_1)][x_2][x_0][x_1]
12 394.3539733886719 405.9885559082031 [x_2][tanh(0.8951*x_1)][x_3][(0.5418*x_1-0.5815*x_0)][x_0]
13 380.3902893066406 468.53033447265625 [x_2][tanh(0.8951*x_1)][relu(0.7307*x_3)][x_1][x_0]
14 379.486328125 368.8024597167969 [x_1][tanh(0.8951*x_1)][x_2][sin(0.9585*x_3)]
15 354.5791320800781 383.6985168457031 [x_3][tanh(0.8951*x_1)][x_2][sin(0.9398*x_0)][x_1]
17 344.9056701660156 373.0729675292969 [x_2][tanh(0.8951*x_1)][x_3][(0.5418*x_1-0.5815*x_0)][tanh(0.8951*x_0)]
18 328.8770751953125 414.16217041015625 [relu(0.7307*x_3)][tanh(0.8951*x_1)][x_2][sin(0.9398*x_0)][x_1]
20 319.9519348144531 402.3149719238281 [x_2][tanh(0.8951*x_1)][relu(0.7307*x_3)][(0.5418*x_1-0.5815*x_0)][tanh(0.8951*x_0)]
22 313.8825988769531 391.0963439941406 [x_2][tanh(0.8951*x_1)][relu(0.7307*x_3)][(0.5418*x_1-0.5815*(0.5418*x_1-0.5815*x_0))][tanh(0.8951*x_0)]
24 313.66217041015625 378.6908874511719 [sqrt(|0.1721*relu(0.7307*x_3)|)][tanh(0.8951*x_1)][x_2][sin(0.9398*x_0)][x_1]
29 308.3426208496094 386.4595031738281 [tanh(0.8951*x_1)][sqrt(|0.6298*relu(0.7307*x_3)|)][x_1][tanh(0.8951*x_0)][(x_2<=x_1)]
34 304.9555969238281 392.111328125 [gauss(relu(0.7307*x_3))][tanh(0.8951*x_1)][x_2][sin(0.9398*x_0)][x_1]
37 290.0493469238281 378.2729187011719 [((0.8126*x_2^3)>=x_1)][tanh(0.8951*x_1)][relu(0.7307*x_3)][(0.5418*x_1-0.5815*(0.5418*x_1-0.5815*x_0))][tanh(0.8951*x_0)]
49 278.4764099121094 384.1788330078125 [gauss(relu(0.7307*x_3))][tanh(0.8951*x_1)][((0.8126*x_2^3)>=x_1)][sin(0.9398*x_0)][x_1]
54 278.0923767089844 383.3207702636719 [gauss(relu(0.7307*x_3))][tanh(0.8951*x_1)][((0.8126*x_2^3)>=x_1)][sin(0.9398*x_0)][tanh(0.1940*x_1)]
55 286.6203308105469 331.2903747558594 [tanh(0.8951*x_1)][relu(0.7307*x_3)][x_1][gauss(tanh(0.8951*x_0))][((0.8126*x_2^3)>=x_1)]
59 277.9620056152344 388.03424072265625 [gauss(relu(0.7307*x_3))][tanh(0.8951*x_1)][((0.8126*x_2^3)>=sin(0.6267*x_1))][sin(0.9398*x_0)][x_1]
114 266.8835754394531 343.7061767578125 [tanh(0.8951*x_1)][sin(0.5094*gauss(relu(0.7307*x_3)))][x_1][gauss(tanh(0.8951*x_0))][((0.8126*x_2^3)>=x_1)]
153 261.151123046875 357.7651062011719 [tanh(0.8951*x_1)][((0.8496*gauss(relu(0.7307*x_3)))^2)][x_1][gauss(tanh(0.8951*sin(0.9398*x_0)))][((0.8126*x_2^3)>=x_1)]
244 257.5480651855469 345.8831481933594 [tanh(0.8951*x_1)][((0.8496*sin(0.5094*gauss(relu(0.7307*x_3))))^2)][sin(0.6267*x_1)][gauss(tanh(0.8951*sin(0.9398*x_0)))][((0.8126*x_2^3)>=x_1)]
For comparison, we can fit an Elastic Net and Random Forest regression model to the same data.
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
rf = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=random_state),y_t)
test_score['rf'] = mse(y_v,rf.predict(X_v))
from sklearn.linear_model import ElasticNet
linest = ElasticNet(),y_t)
test_score['elasticnet'] = mse(y_v,linest.predict(X_v))
Let’s look at the test set mean squared errors by method.
{'feat': 381.70598775221976,
'rf': 347.15749506172847,
'elasticnet': 919.3515337699572}
Visualizing the Archive ¶
Let’s visualize this archive with the test scores. This gives us a sense of how increasing the representation complexity affects the quality of the model and its generalization.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import math
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 6)
%matplotlib inline
h = plt.figure(figsize=(14,8))
# plot archive points
# some models to point out
best = np.argmin(np.array(fit_test))
middle = np.argmin(np.abs(np.array(fit_test[:best])-test_score['rf']))
small = np.argmin(np.abs(np.array(fit_test[:middle])-test_score['elasticnet']))
plt.plot(fit_test[best],complexity[best],'sk',markersize=16,markerfacecolor='none',label='Model Selection')
# test score lines
y1 = -1
y2 = np.max(complexity)+1
plt.plot((test_score['feat'],test_score['feat']),(y1,y2),'--k',label='FEAT Test',alpha=0.5)
plt.plot((test_score['rf'],test_score['rf']),(y1,y2),'-.xg',label='RF Test',alpha=0.5)
plt.plot((test_score['elasticnet'],test_score['elasticnet']),(y1,y2),'-sm',label='ElasticNet Test',alpha=0.5)
xoff = 100
for e,t,c in zip(eqn,fit_test,complexity):
if c in [complexity[best],complexity[middle],complexity[small]]:
t = t+xoff
tax = plt.text(t,c,'$\leftarrow'+e+'$',size=18,horizontalalignment='left',
tax.set_bbox(dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.75, edgecolor='k'))
l = plt.legend(prop={'size': 16},loc=[1.01,0.25])
best: 55
middle: 14
small: 3
complexity [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 29, 34, 37, 49, 54, 55, 59, 114, 153, 244]

Note that ElasticNet produces a similar test score to the linear representation in Feat’s archive, and that Random Forest’s test score is near the representation shown in the middle.
The best model, marked with a square, is selected from the validation curve (blue line). The validation curve shows how models begin to overfit as complexity grows. By visualizing the archive, we can see that some lower complexity models achieve nearly as good of a validation score. In this case it may be preferable to choose that representation instead.
By default, FEAT will choose the model with the lowest validation error, marked with a square above. Let’s look at that model.
the function
will print a table of the learned features, optionally ordered by the magnitude of their weights.
Weight Feature
1547.33 offset
-182.50 tanh(0.8951*x_1)
37.58 relu(0.7307*x_3)
40.92 x_1
69.79 gauss(tanh(0.8951*x_0))
-17.11 ((0.8126*x_2^3)>=x_1)