A genetic programming system for regression and classification
ellyn is fast because it uses a c++ library to do most of the computation. However, once you have it installed, you can use it just like you would any other scikit-learn estimator, which makes it easy to do cross validation, ensemble learning, or to build any other kind of ML pipeline design. Follow the installation guide to get it up and running.
These instructions are written for an anaconda3 default python installation, but you can easily modify the paths to point to your installation.
git clone http://github.com/EpistasisLab/ellyn
cd ellyn
conda env create environment.yml
conda activate ellyn-env
python setup.py install
lists the package dependencies for ellyn, if you’d like to install them yourself.
In a python script, import ellyn:
from ellyn import ellyn
ellyn uses the same nomenclature as sklearn supervised learning modules.
By default, ellyn does regression. You can initialize a few learner in python as:
learner = ellyn()
or specify the generations, population size and selection algorithm as:
learner = ellyn(g = 100, popsize = 25, selection = 'lexicase')
To do classification, ellyn implements the M4GP algorithm (PDF) for (multi-class) classification. To use it, pass these parameters:
learner = ellyn(classification=True,
fit_type='F1' # can be 'F1' or 'F1W' (weighted F1)
Given a set of data with variables X and target Y, fit ellyn using the fit()
You have now learned a model for your data. Predict your model’s response on a new set of variables as
y_pred = learner.predict(X_unseen)
Call ellyn from the terminal as
python -m ellyn.ellyn data_file_name -g 100 -p 50 -sel lexicase
try python -m ellyn.ellyn --help
to see options.
ellyn uses a stack-based, syntax-free, linear genome for constructing candidate equations.
Selection/Survival options
Parameter learning
ellyn has been used in several publications. Cite the one that best represents your use case, or you can cite my dissertation if you’re not sure.
La Cava, William G., “Automatic Development and Adaptation of Concise Nonlinear Models for System Identification” (2016). Doctoral Dissertations May 2014 - current. 731. link
La Cava, W., Danai, K., Spector, L., (2016). “Inference of Compact Nonlinear Dynamic Models by Epigenetic Local Search.” Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. doi:10.1016/j.engappai.2016.07.004
La Cava, W., Spector, L., Danai, K. (2016). “epsilon-Lexicase selection for regression.” Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO). ACM, Denver, CO. preprint